In the US, the alpaca farming business is starting to become very competitive. Farmers are realizing that advertising and marketing campaigns are an important part of staying viable in the industry. The Alpaca Owners Association recently had its national ad debut in USA TODAY: U.S. Department of Agriculture Special Edition.
The good folks at the Winding Creek Alpaca Farm in NJ were interested in developing a national campaign for their website, social media, catalogs, auctions, competitions, and fiber sales.
To increase the production value of the photos beyond what is normally shown in the industry, the decision was made to make stylized lifestyle images that illustrates the genuine caring and affection the farmers have for their alpacas.
Once reserved for Inca royalty, the spinners and weavers of today demand only the highest quality fiber from alpaca that are well cared for. So the first day on set I could see it was going to be easy to stick close to the storyboards.
Beyond their adorably funny looking hair styles, alpacas are curious and friendly. More like pets, their big doey eyes and thick fiber coat make them cute and cuddly. It’s hard to not want to hug them!
The photos illustrate that Winding Creek is more than just a business interested in maximizing profits. It’s a farm with a business culture that is dedicated to treating it’s livestock with a social caring conscience.
They are beautiful. 🙂