Senior Citizen Farmer throwing hay bales out of her pickup truck
I’ve just completed two parts of my three part lifestyle series highlighting senior citizens.
So far I’ve had the privilege of photographing a 62 year old farmer who still likes to stay physically active while running her farm, and a 70 year old cobbler who loves his job and his customers. Stay tuned as I reveal the third person – we are currently in preproduction.
To challenge the current TV and print ads that define seniors in passive and complacent roles, I wanted make photos that portray a more realistic view.
Scouting was easy. There are many mature adults having vibrant, engaged and interesting lives. Most everyone I met was enthusiastic to show me how they are redefining the word, retirement.
I’ve had so much fun celebrating these folks who refuse to sit on the proverbial front porch and rock away the best years of their lives. My time with them was humbling, and their commitment to be resilient when overcoming life’s obstacles, has inspired me to do the same.

Senior Citizen Cobbler in his workshop repairing a pair of shoes